Monday, October 12, 2009

New Computer

We finally bought a new computer. It's a "bargain" from Wal-Mart; an E Machine. It's incredibly basic, but at least it's an Internet connection. I have yet to figure out where to attach my printer and scanner though.

I suppose I should be overjoyed at the fact that I am now back in touch with the cyber world, but the real world is getting me down. Our Sammy has been missing since late Wednesday(7th) night. He has gone missing before, with the longest stretch being 18 days. He has FIV, a form of Feline Leukemia. He has times when he goes into a 'shut-down mode" when he doesn't eat or move at all for several days. If this occurs in the house I can get him a medicine that relieves some of his congestion and he recovers in about three days. If he is feeling bad he usually (in that common animal way) hides out until he feels better. I know there will come a time when he will not feel any better and he simply will never return. I hope this is not that time. He is not a terribly old cat (about 13) and in all other respects he is rather healthy. We call and search for him day and night, but there is now sign of him.

The tasks of every day life do little to distract me from thinking about Sammy. Of course the other cats keep me company and I know they secretly visit Sammy wherever he is hiding, especially his #1 fan, Coal. Here they are last week sharing a patio chair in the sun. Sammy is on the left (on the bottom!). As for everyday task, most of it is sewing , especially doll clothes. I had a sale this week with the Parent League at the gym. I think I did pretty well. I'll find out my total later this week. My next big sale is at our home competition on 12 December. In the meantime I've gotten a special request for German dresses from one of the Team parents. She belongs to a German-American league and they will be having a Winter craft sale 20 November. Here is one of my better attempts:

I tried to research authentic German dresses, but the lady prefers these rather 'stylized' versions that look a bit cartoonish to me. Oh well, the customer is always right.

This new computer seems to be behaving itself. Hopefully I will be able to post a bit more often.


  1. Yea!!! You're back online!!! Will keep praying for Sammy's return.

  2. Way to go with the new computer. I know you are plaeased with that.

    Prayers for Sammy that he returns soon. I know how much you love your animals and when one is missing, life is just not the same.

    Love your dolls. You do such a good job dressing them.

  3. Yay for the new computer!!

    I shall be keeping my fingers crossed that you find Sammy soon. I do hope he is OK. You'll both be in my thoughts... *hugs*

    Don't your dolls look smashing! I love the colour combo on the first one. It would be fun to have pistachio green pants.

    Congratulations on your sales!
