Sunday, March 2, 2025

The One With The Political Rant

That was painless. Four pages of well-thought-out political ramblings......deleted in the press of a key.  I think that speaks more to the social and political climate in this country then anything I could actually publish.

Sunday, November 17, 2024

Let There Be Photos!

Have I at last figured out the new photo uploading mystery? I think I have.
I've been gone from blogging too long. Caught up in the cesspool that is Facebook and Instagram. Trapped in the Spam Circus that Pinterest has become.
Now I'm back to my safe zone (no political melodrama involved at all)
Knitting, cross-stitch, petting usual scope of hobbies continues. This odd photo is the Syli Sweater. A gigantic top-down raglan with textural details. I promptly sold it too!! After many months (years!) trying to sell my crafty items, I've found a niche market for my knitwear. By "niche' I mean my bestie in Virginia buys 90% of the stuff I knit as gifts and for herself and her daughter. I think this biggie is destined for her future son-in-law.

The Autumn scenery is lovely. It is just the view out the back window. My world is very small, due to my dad's declining health. So I take my scenic views where I can get them.

A little cross-stitching.....

A lot of cat cuddling.....

 Simon, Pepper and Timmy are the three remaining cats at the New Jersey house. Sparky, Ollie and Ellen live happily with Joe at the Ohio house.
A life divided, but some how still functioning.

Sunday, November 10, 2024

What's New?


A lot is new....but more is old, and getting older by the day. So much sadness and loss in my own little world and the larger, global World.

Apparently, my "old" photo system will no longer load to there goes the rest of this post. Pretty typical of how the days have been going lately........

Sunday, February 18, 2024


 April 13, 2013-February 10, 2024
Sweet Deuce, my fighter. Mr. Big Ears.
You tried so hard, but now you can rest.


 August 23, 2008-February 1, 2024
My special boy, shy Roy with his one white whisker.
Gone so suddenly; too soon.

Sunday, January 28, 2024


 My sweet orange girl. Buff Tabby, Carmella, Melly-Moo.

August 23, 2008-January 27, 2024

Wednesday, October 25, 2023

Yup, I'm Going THERE




 If you're smart enough to get into college, you're smart enough to know the difference....