And so it comes, the First Day of Autumn. Although the temperatures are still moderately warm, I see the leaves changing colors. I dream of pumpkins, gourds, corn stalks, chestnuts, and all things orange, rust and copper.
This past weekend was the Midwest Wool Festival. I was able to get there this year, as last year was my mother's back injury and I was away in New Jersey. I had budgeted a little bit of money to spend on some wonderful yarns, dyes and fibers.
I am still obsessed with making socks and I found this amazing red, white and blue blend to add to my stash. The sock knitting has now taken over from the previous few weeks of doll clothes-stitching. the cross-stitch? Well, that has fallen by the wayside entirely. I go in fits and starts with the crafting......bouncing from one style to another. Last month is was all about quilting, a craft I had set aside last year. Suddenly I was trolling the stores for grey and yellow print cottons for a new quilt ( not that there aren't at least FIVE unfinished quilting projects up in the attic room waiting for my attention). Then the quilting bug flew away and I was hot and heavy into doll clothes for the 18" dolls. I made over a dozen new Fall/Winter outfits, then that mojo faded.
Bring on the Wool Festival and the knitting frenzy! I finished a pair of socks for my Uncle Raymond while I was visiting my parents. Then the brown pair in the collage below.....Etsy Marigold Jen "Orion". The other half-finished pair in Jawoll "Color Aktion" in a nice ombre of rust, burgundy and plum.
Then come the days when I do NOTHING AT ALL. Just sit in front of the TV mindlessly watching. Maybe a sign of old-age, or perhaps ADD!