Monday, March 24, 2008


I took the Quaker themes from this weekend and started to finish-finish them. The first, the birds and topiary, are made up into a little needle book. It is based on a felt needle book that my mother made in the 1940's when she was a girl. I still use it for my needles today. The 'A Mon Ami Pierre' design is stitched to a piece of blue printed calico and then trimmed with cording. The pages of the book are colorful felt edged in blanket stitch using the same Needle Necessities floss "Bali Hai" that was used to stitch the design. This will be a gift to someone who shall remain nameless for now.
Back to the gym later today. I can only imagine what will go on this week, with it being Spring Break from school for the majority of the gymnasts. Good or bad there seems to never be a dull moment there.


  1. That's beautiful, Jennifer! Great idea!!

  2. What a pretty needlebook. I love the colors you've chosen.

  3. What a cute needlebook! It turned out really nice. I stitched this same design into a needlebook too! I find that variegated threads are perfect for quaker designs, it livens them up a little :)

  4. Very nice finish! Love those NN flosses.

  5. What a beautiful finish. I love the colours and design you have chosen. Congratulations on your finish.

  6. Ooooooooooooooooooh, what a gorgeous, gorgeous needlebook, Jennifer! I'm sorry, I'm not even going to ask your permission, I'm just going to steal that idea forthwith. Love the colours, love the felt, love the blanket stitch, love the colours. So there.

    Is that your house in the previous post? Wowie. Looks like a cross stitch design right there!
    Good luck at the gym this week, girl.

  7. Yes, Annemarie that is my house. There are enough cat hairs and dust to spin my own floss inside that house too!
    The felt needlebook idea is actually based on the original one I have from my mother. It is four heart-shaped pieces of red felt, blanket stitched in white floss and then tied together at the top with a red ribbon. That well-used thing is about 60 years old.

  8. Jennifer,
    That needle book and the "Heart in Hand" finish are spectacular!!!!! (I tried to find the freebie chart for HinH and couldn't with the link ... is there another link you might have or am I just not smart enough to find it? :) ) It is just so pretty!!!! I think the Quaker bug had bitten in a big way!!! I might have to "borrow: the needle book Idea and make one up myself!! Such a great inspiration.

    Take care,
